Don’t just manage Type 2 Diabetes, reverse it!

In this 6-week program you will

  • Begin to naturally lower your sugar levels, lose weight, and reverse the damage of diabetes
  • Learn the root cause and true cure for Type 2 Diabetes
  • Learn how to create a diabetes-free lifestyle
  • Learn to eat healthy, add physical activity to your life, manage stress, stay motivated, and solve problems that can get in the way of healthy changes
  • Work with a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach to learn the skills needed to make lasting changes

Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Bootcamp

Participants will receive:

  • Printed book with the blueprint to reverse Type 2 Diabetes
  • 90+ plant-based recipes with link to watch corresponding cooking videos
  • Help with menu planning and creating shopping list
  • Weekly Goal Setting and Action Plan 
  • Exercise Plan
  • Stress Reduction plan
  • 2 Individual Coaching Sessions
  • Accountability and support from an experienced Health and Life Coach

*Book and cookbook will arrive in the mail prior to Bootcamp.

Mondays at 7PM Eastern: Interactive Zoom Class and Group Coaching to inspire, educate, and empower you to reverse Type 2 Diabetes. For your convenience, classes are recorded, but it is important to attend live classes and to participate.

The Diabetes Bootcamp is a Biblical based wellness plan supported by evidence-based science. We not only teach why, but focus on how to implement these simple lifestyle changes that will help you to lose weight, lower your A1C,  and prevent diabetes complications.

Complete the Contact Form to be notified of the next bootcamp.

9 + 7 =

I enjoyed the Reverse Diabetes Boot Camp with Akhimie. She made the material very clear and the recipes are amazing. My glucose numbers are in the 90’s, my blood pressure went down, I lost weight, I feel very good physically, and have added aerobics to my exercise routine. 

Brenda A.

The 6-week program has helped me to feel better than I have in a long time. I have less pain and inflammation, my insulin intake has dropped from taking 20 units or more to 5 to 10 units before meals. Sometimes not needing to take insulin at all for some meals. Long term night insulin went from 70 units to 40 units. I am looking better,  I lost 15 pounds during the 6 weeks. I am exercising more. Move, Move, Move is now my motto! 

Janet N.

My A1C has been in the 7s for a while and when I went back to see my Primary care on June 9th and my Endocrinologist on July 3rd, my  A1C has gone from 7.5 to 6.8 due to the class and the LIFESTYLE CHANGES. I also lost weight and feel great!

Jackie H